Exploring new countries, learning about new cultures and experiencing the beauty of somewhere other than your home can be difficult to make a reality.
At Hamline, students have the opportunity to see the world.
The Global Engagement Center (GEC), which runs the study abroad programs, hosted an event Oct. 11. In addition to a myriad of activities and food, the GEC offered a detailed look into the study abroad programs, and what students should expect.
Kate Meyer, the Study Away Coordinator for the GEC, spoke about how studying abroad can be a once in a lifetime opportunity for students.
“[Study abroad] pushes students out of their comfort zone. Seeing the world is good for reflecting on your time and your country,” Meyer said.
When students get the chance to see a culture and society other than their own, it can provide them with a more holistic view of the world.
At Hamline, even first years can study abroad. First-year students can apply for faculty-led or summer study away programs, which allows students to explore the world while still being able to adjust to college life.
Sydney Lavelle, a first-year student, expressed her excitement at this event.
“[Studying abroad] gives me an opportunity to explore different countries and cultures,” she said.
For many students like Lavelle, there are a plethora of factors that go into making this decision, and one that can determine whether or not a student can study abroad is the factor of money.
Meyer also gave information about financial aid during this event.
“Finances are a big part [of study abroad]. There are scholarships available, including 5 or 6 pockets of scholarship money from the GEC,” Meyer said.
She made sure to mention that the GEC works directly with students to make study abroad a possibility for as many students as possible.
Another concern that many students have voiced when it comes to studying abroad is the lasting effect of COVID-19. The GEC keeps up-to-date on the precautions that other countries have in place, making sure that the countries are open and safe for international travelers.
Any questions about studying abroad or the programs involved? Visit the Study Away website on the Hamline website, or contact the Global Engagement Center at gec@hamline.edu.