The Hamline Undergraduate Student Congress meets every Tuesday during convo hour with a catered lunch in Giddens Alumni Center 100E.
The main topic of the Jan. 31 meeting General Assembly (GA) was the opening of the election for next school year’s external and internal presidents.
In order to run for either of these positions you must email the general HUSC email ( to declare your candidacy. You must also “CC” your running mate and state what position you are running for.
Information about the positions
The external president of HUSC interacts primarily with entities outside of HUSC. This position is an advocate of HUSC for students’ needs to the administration and the board of trustees.
They also host the executive board meeting for the HUSC board members each week. Senior Emily Hilderbrand is the current External HUSC President and estimates that she spends roughly five hours a week in meetings.
The Internal HUSC president works with HUSC representatives and students closely. Their job is to host the weekly HUSC General Assemblies by making the agendas, ordering the food and inviting guest speakers. They also sit on committees and attend meetings.
Above all else, the co-presidents job is to listen to the needs of students as they rely heavily upon each other to do what is best for the student body.
Also discussed at the meeting
Along with these positions, Student Leadership selection is in full swing around the Hamline campus. During the HUSC meeting, they highlighted and encouraged students to apply for any of these positions.
On the HUSC website, there is an anonymous form for students to report things said or done in classrooms without having to bring attention to themselves. Junior and technology coordinator for HUSC Taylor Atkins came up with this idea and implemented it into the HUSC website.
“I wanted students to have a place where they could report campus concerns anonymously. The recent issues with teachers making fun of the situation revolving around the international scandal are what originally sparked the idea. However, the form can be used to submit any concern a student or faculty member has. The hope is that it will give people an easier way to reach us without putting themselves in a place of potential harm,” Atkins wrote in an email.
This form is only for HUSC and will be used in an effort to support students. It has no affiliation with the Hamline administration. Patti Kersten stated that it is up to the student’s comfort level if they feel they can discuss the situation with the faculty member or not.