Hudson Wright
Illustration for Fall Season Story
Fall has finally arrived on campus, and as the weather gets colder, the smell of pumpkin spice and apple begins to flow from the Anderson Starbucks. I cannot speak for others, but fall has been one of my favorite seasons since I was a kid. I have always loved how fall is so pleasant yet crisp enough to bust out my favorite hoodies and sweaters, much to my mother’s annoyance.
Of course, with the weather turning colder that means that some may complain it’s too cold to have fun, but I disagree…there are many things you can do better in the fall than in summer (sorry, not sorry summer).
Fall is the perfect time for photos, whether that be multicolor leaves in your background or a photo of you with pumpkins when it gets closer to Halloween. The outdoors is your playground for whatever type of photography you do; such as sports, nature and portraits. Fall offers many picture-perfect moments. Others may argue that summer offers more picture-perfect moments and locations like the lake for example. While it is true, there are a few problems that you run into when doing photography in the summer. For example, having a way to stay cool when the temperatures are running high for not only your subject but yourself.
Nature Walks
With the weather somewhat turning cold, it is a perfect time to enjoy the scenery and the daylight while it lasts, with little over a month till the dread of Daylight Savings happens. Now I am not saying you need to go and walk around one of the many lakes immediately, but the next time you have a few extra minutes before class, just walk around and take in your surroundings. Now unless you have an unlimited supply of bug repellent and sunscreen, nature walks in the summer are the quickest way to come home with mosquito bites, sunburn, and not to mention heat exhaustion is another thing you have to worry about. In the fall, the temperatures are at a good middle ground where taking a walk through nature will not have you wishing for air conditioning.
Arts and Crafts
Arts and crafts are a calming way to enjoy fall. And with Halloween being at the end of this month, many stores are selling mini pumpkins that can be painted to create room decor for fall vibes. If you are the artsy type or just feel the inspiration, create something – you just might surprise yourself with what you make, like paper leaf garlands. Now despite my statement of fall doing these better, arts and crafts is one where regardless of the season you can make art from anything that you’d find in that season. For example, flower pressing can only really be done during the months when the flowers have bloomed.
Movies Nights
When the sun lowers and the cold creeps in, it creates the perfect atmosphere to pop some popcorn, lay in bed or on the couch under a blanket and watch your favorite movies, regardless if they do not fit with fall. Personally, this is the time when I re-watch my favorite spooky cartoons with my cousin or old horror movies with my grandmother. Take this time to plan movie nights with your friends, roommates or whoever you know who loves movies. Now I will say movies in the summer are great to spend time with people you haven’t seen, especially if you or your friends live in another state during the academic year. And during the summer, most people’s schedules change where they have more free time and don’t need to wake up as early as they need to.
Now overall, most of the categories I listened to are better done in other seasons for a multitude of reasons. For me, I like the colder months and most of the activities I like to do are easier to do in colder months. That being said, I believe these categories are easier to do in the fall whether you do it alone or with friends. So however you plan to enjoy the fall season, whether that be with any of my suggestions or ones you come up with, take the time to enjoy it while it lasts. You know how Minnesota is with its seasons; here one minute and gone the next. Just take a moment to enjoy the colors, the never-ending smell and sight of pumpkins, and the hopefully cold weather of fall before the snow hits and we all wish it was any other season.