Walking around the Hamline campus a student is bound to see posters for different groups and organizations that call the University home. Among these clubs are a set dedicated to athletic activities. These sports clubs vary between one another greatly, having activities ranging from martial arts to swing dancing.
Sports clubs fill an important role at Hamline. In the words of Campus Recreation Program Director John Guetter, “It’s about common interest not an option on the varsity level.” By having access to sports clubs students are allowed to enjoy activities they would not otherwise have available.
Sports clubs act as student run organizations where members have weekly meetings to practice and play the sport they are centered around. The clubs are able to operate on a competitive level, going to competitions around the state, though not all do. Currently Hamline has seven sports clubs, each with their own interest and each run by students. Despite that Guetter said, “If I see interest in an activity I can help to put students into contact with others who have the same interest. Something can be started, whether that is a club or an intramural.”
The clubs differ from intramurals because, “Intramurals act like a league and are casual, while clubs are a bit more organized and require more dedication, while still not being on the same level as the varsity athletics here,” Guetter said.
If you’ve ever gone to a Hamline Football game you may have gotten the opportunity to see one of the clubs in action, the dance team. The dance team has recently been moved from being a varsity to being a sports club. Sophomore Haley Rogers helps to run the team.
“The team helps to interact with the fanbase for football and in the upcoming basketball season. We don’t have a cheer squad anymore so we kind of fill that role,” said Rogers.
The team does require some dedication though. When talking about how the team works Rogers said, “We meet two or three days a week at six in the morning. Practice lasts about an hour to an hour and a half, usually longer during sports seasons.”
In the past the Dance team has gone to competitions including one at St. Thomas, though this year due to transitions Rogers does not think they will be attending.
Another club here at Hamline is the HU Climbing Club, formerly known as the Rock Stars. The HU Climbing Club is a rock climbing club whose members go on climbing trips twice a week. One of their leaders is junior Isaac Fagerstrom. “It’s a casual environment. Really it’s about the community you’re able to climb with.” Fagerstrom said about the HU Climbing Club.
The climbing club also works with another club, the Hamline Outdoor Recreation Club or H.O.R.C. for short. Each semester these two clubs go on extended trips to different places to camp climb or do whatever else they want to in the outdoors. “The clubs are a good way to be athletic without the pressure of the varsity level,” said Fagerstrom.
“Sports clubs are accessible options for students who want to either continue something they did in highschool or try something they never got the opportunity to do before,” Rogers said summarizing the role of clubs.
Any student interested in joining a sports club should contact the student organization leaders. Information can be found on the Hamline website hamline.edu/offices/campus-rec/sport-clubs.html