Last week, Monday Apr. 2 through Sunday Apr. 8 was the NCAA’s Division III sports week for 2018. Across the country NCAA D3 schools celebrated their athletes and athletic programs. Hamline University joined in the celebrations.
Hamline’s Student Athletics Advisory Committee (SACC) put on a variety of events to celebrate the athletic aspects of the Hamline community. The week kicked off with an ice cream social in Sorin Hall. Later in the week SAAC was set to host a community softball game and barbeque, yet due to the infamous return of a late Minnesota winter it had to be cancelled.
With a variety of other events throughout the week Hamline senior and SAAC Vice President Morgan Bradford called the week a “moderate success” and commented that while events had to be cancelled this week SAAC hopes to extend their celebration later into the month although they have not decided on any dates for such events.
While SAAC is an organization for athletes, the group is dedicated to much more than just athletics. Hamline senior Sean Ahlness, the SAAC Committee Chair of Media and Promotions, talked about the organization’s commitment to Hamline.
“Our main goal is to connect, we represent athletes but we want to be a bridge to the rest of campus,.” Ahlness stated.
When Ahlness says this he echos the SAAC mission statement listed on their Hamline Athletics page, “Student Athletes working together to be ambassadors to unify Hamline Athletics, University, and our Community”.
The organization tries to build this bridge through activities such as the ice cream social, professor appreciation dinner and dodgeball tournament hosted last week. As well, the organization takes part in multiple service programs. The dodgeball tournament at the end of D3 Week had an entry fee of a donation to a women’s shelter; as well, the organization is going to the Mall of America to help host a Special Olympics bowling event.
When it comes to getting campus involved in Hamline athletics, SAAC uses Code Red Games. Each team at Hamline has one game in the year dedicated as the “Code Red” game. During this activities are set up for fans of Hamline and the games draw far larger crowds. For instance, Women’s Hockey’s Code Red game was against St. Thomas, where between the second and third period a hot wings eating competition took place and a game of bingo was played. These events will sometimes offer t-shirts to be won or be given out.
Despite the weather that plagued D3 week coming to a close, SAAC’s plans do not stop. Some of the cancelled plans from the week will be moved to other times in the upcoming month, as well, spring sports have their upcoming Code Red games. Ahlness would like to remind anyone who would like to see what is coming up that they can be found on Twitter and Instagram with the handle @hamlinesaac.