Aubree Douglas
When it comes to confidence at the plate, junior Aubree Douglas has plenty. After a long draught of playtime due to cancelled games and bad weather Hamline ended up having to go into their game against St. Mary’s without much practice in the week. This did not slow Douglas as she was able to get six hits in seven at bats that night. “I know when I’m up there I have a job to get done,” said Douglas.
The California native has been playing softball since she was only five years old and came to Hamline after seeing the coaching Hamline had. Since coming here, Douglas has brought her confidence to the team which she hopes has radiated to her teammates.
“You can’t let anything bad hold you back when you are trying to play,” Douglas said as she talked about what keeps her going.
Despite the draught of game time Douglas was not going to fold. She keeps coming back even when things do not go as well as they could. “I just know it won’t be my last at bat, I’ve got more ahead of me,” Douglas said.
Douglas expects the rest of the season to be difficult, with weather complications causing multiple games to be pushed together with shorter times in between. She expects the road to playoffs to be long yet has high hopes for the team as well as high expectations.
Jake Trondson
Minnesota native Jake Trondson was raised with tennis. Both his grandfather and father played tennis at the collegiate level and Jake has followed in their footsteps. The Hamline sophomore Jake Trondson is currently playing his first season at Hamline but is already making waves.
For the past decade Hamline has never beaten St. Thomas at Tennis yet thanks to Trondson their match this year came very close finishing 5-4 and almost breaking that long record. Throughout the game Trondson faced a variety of adversities including having to play with a teammate’s racket. Despite this Trondson still came out on top winning both of his singles matches.
Tennis has been suffering from the same issue as many sports this spring, weather. With blizzard-like conditions and low temperatures it can be difficult to find a place to play. This hasn’t slowed Trondson’s spirit, who says his coach Julia Courter has been great in finding them places to play.
With an eventful year Jake has had a lot to look back on, yet his favorite part took place off the court just as much as it did on. When the Tennis team went on their spring break they were separate teammates, yet when they came back they had bonded and come together as a team. “It brought the team together, underclassmen and upperclassmen,” Trondson said about the spring break trip.