Confidential student records were accidentally released through an email sent Wednesday, February 27 at 9:48 a.m. to an undisclosed number of students.
A document was attached to the email containing student names, email addresses and religious affiliations.
The email was to promote the Multifaith Alliance’s Christian Privilege event, scheduled for March 7 at 6 p.m. in Sorin’s Gathering Place. It originated from Zan Christ, coordinator for Religious and Spiritual Life Programs.
Dean of Students Patti Klein sent a follow-up email at 6:20 p.m. the same day apologizing for the mistake. Her email asked that all recipients of the email immediately delete the file containing confidential student information.
“I want you to know that Hamline takes the protection of your privacy and the university’s records seriously and strives to keep your personal information private,” Klein stated in the email. “There is no excuse for this mistake.”
Although the original email with the attached file was sent to only a portion of the student body, information about students not included in the email may have been in the file.
Students with questions and concerns regarding this issue are asked to contact the Dean of Students office.