Since so many resources have become limited with Hamline entering Shift Plan Level 3, and the state record of hospitalization reaching an all time high as cases of the virus continue to rise with no indication of slowing down, I wanted to check in on a resource that is essential to many people’s faith practices: the prayer room.
As a Muslim student, I was interested in what was going on with the prayer room oncampus. The prayer room is located on the third floor of Anderson and is available for students with religious practices to use. My first encounter with the room itself was a bit rough since I found it locked and had to pray in the Wesley Center offices instead.
The prayer room in Wellspring Center can be used as a meditation space and is not only secluded to one religious practice. It can still be accessed through the Public Safety office throughout the day until 10 pm. For safety reasons that include social distancing rules: only one person is permitted to the prayer room at a time and it is recommended that students bring their own prayer mats, but there will be ones at the office if needed.
There were events held pre-pandemic that had many people of different religious backgrounds using this space for prayer or meditation. Since the pandemic, most events have transitioned to online-based or have been canceled. Most of the gatherings were done at the Gathering center in Sorin Hall since Bush Center was not an ideal place for mindful practices that required no distractions.
“Before Hamline entered level 3, maybe I would have given you a different answer… I would have said, ‘Yes, there is hope [of opening the Gathering center]’ but still individuals can check into the prayer room,” said Nur Mood, Assistant Director of Social Justice Programs and Strategic Relations
So, if there is a place where you want to practice praying or meditation, check out the Public Safety office to gain access to the prayer room.