Sena Ross
As the Halloween costumes are being packed up, and the hat and mittens are coming out, the dark hole of the semester has begun. Midterms are barely behind us, while finals are too far away to have any hope. Many students are burnt out. That’s why it’s important to do some self care. Here’s a list of some possibilities.
Eat a nutritious meal:
Nutritious can mean many different things for different people. Try to eat some vegetables and fruit when you can. They help feed your brain and can boost your mood. However, eat comfort food when you need to. Listen to your body and what it needs. Fed is best.
Go for a walk:
Get some fresh air. Schedule into your Google calendar some time for a walk. Don’t think about all that’s left to do, but instead try to clear your mind. Fresh air helps with depression,anxiety and just stress in general. Move your body and get some happy vibes rolling.
Take a warm shower or bath:
Suds up and treat yourself like the royalty you are! Listen to some music or a podcast (check out The Oracle’s podcast!) and relax. Even when the dorm showers are small and clumps of hair are alarmingly close to your foot, it’s still important to not only take care of your hygiene, but your mental health as well.
Take a step back:
Sometimes it’s easy to load up your schedule at the beginning of the semester when your spirits are high, but by November, things can feel like too much. Prioritize yourself. If your plate is too full, take some things off of it. Be honest with those around you about what you need.
Set Boundaries:
Create spaces where you can recharge. Say no to things you do not want or need to be doing. Say yes to things that will make you happy and recharge your battery. Remember to listen to your body and decipher what it needs.
Time Management:
Procrastinating probably is not doing anything good for your mental health. It’s important to manage your time well, so you aren’t overloaded all in one night. Organization is a great way to help manage stress and anxiety.
These are just a few examples of things you can do to manage stress and anxiety. Everyone is different and has different needs. Remember to do what feels right for you, and to ask for help when you need it. Hamline has mental health services if needed. Contact Counseling and Health Services in Manor Hall or online at https://www.hamline.edu/offices/counseling-health/