Title: Celebrating Thanksgiving as an Indigenous Person Last Thursday, Nov. 28, was Thanksgiving, a holiday where you spend time with family,...
Hamline University Students for Justice (SFJ) members held a demonstration in front of Old...
For years, the Hamline Midway Coalition (HMC) has served as a pillar for the Hamline-Midway...
Every Tuesday, the Hamline Undergraduate Student Congress (HUSC) gathers for their...
Following a 1–3 loss against UW-Superior in a one game series, the Pipers opened...
After last year’s success, Desi Night made a spirited return to campus on Wednesday,...
Finals Week Self-Care As we slowly approach the end of the Fall 2024 semester, finals...
In an effort to offer insight on the results of the election, Hamline’s political...
Historically, elections on both a local and national level result in divisions among...
Every Tuesday, the Hamline Undergraduate Student Congress (HUSC) gathers for their...
Entering my first semester at Hamline, I naturally expected to face some of the challenges I encountered in high school. My high school was predominantly...
We are at a historically difficult moment. With a deeply divided nation, the election results are devastating for many of us, although others...
Tuesday, Nov. 5 is the 2024 general and presidential election. For many students, this is the first presidential election they are eligible to...
Over the summer, the Hamline community suffered a major loss with the passing of longtime janitor Solomon Hagos. Hamline students, faculty and...