Saying goodbye to five Hamline professors
May 2, 2023
As Hamline reaches the end of another year, some faculty members begin the start of a new chapter. A number of faculty are leaving this spring, including five that the Oracle chatted with.

Andrew Wykes
How long have you been at Hamline?:
23 years.
What are your biggest accomplishments?:
Spent time as chair of the art department. Crossing links with other disciplines – worked with Bonnie Ploger and took students on a J-term trip to Arizona that invoalved learning about both biology and art. Took students to Ireland to become part of the Ballinglen Arts Foundation.
What will you miss the most about Hamline?:
The students, the painting studio and colleagues.
What is next for you?:
To spend more time in England and Ireland, pursue painting further with interest in light and space, continue to show art in exhibitions.

Máel Embser-Herbert
How long have you been at Hamline?:
28 years.
What are your biggest accomplishments?:
Taking students to the Netherlands and Rwanda for study abroad, developing a J-term class in New Orleans after for hurricane relief after Katrina hit.
What will you miss the most about Hamline?:
The people, how the campus feels like home.
What is next for you?:
Splitting time between being in Canada and being in the cities, working on writing.

Sheila O’Connor
How long have you been at Hamline?:
About 25 years
What are your biggest accomplishments?:
Mentoring students and then watching them go on to be members of the literary community and seeing the long reach that these students have had.
What will you miss the most about Hamline?:
Teaching both graduate and undergraduate students and their life experiences, and colleagues.
What is next for you?:
Continuing to teach at a low residency MFA program in South Carolina and returning to work as a writer.

George Chu
How long have you been at Hamline?:
44 years.
What are your biggest accomplishments?:
Working with the Sundins to create Sundin Music Hall, the A Cappella Choir toured internationally ten times and domestically dozens of times. Founded The Oratorio Society of Minnesota in 1980, never missing a day of work in over four decades, with gratitude for good health amidst inspiring colleagues and students.
What will you miss the most about Hamline?:
The enthusiasm of the A Cappella Choir, the students dedication to music and the shared belief that music is life’s greatest gift.
What is next for you?:
First a gap year, then continuing interest in Latin America.

Allison Baker
How long have you been at Hamline?:
8 years.
What are your biggest accomplishments?:
Completed a public sculpture at Franconia sculpture garden with students and working on another sculpture that will go in the Hamline-Midway Park.
What will you miss the most about Hamline?:
The students and the sculpture shop.
What is next for you?:
Returning to home state of Indiana and joining the Indiana University-Purdue University, Herron School of Art and Design as a faculty member.
Professors: Thank you for all you do!