To the Editor of The Oracle,
I work for my local district council, and an ongoing discussion that has been happening in the Hamline Midway Neighborhood has been about public transportation: safety, accessibility, and fees. Because of these conversations I wanted to raise the issue of Hamline University’s position on public transportation. Why isn’t it more affordable for commuter students to use public transportation?
The current offer from the University is via the Metro Transit College Pass. A $165 a semester pass with unlimited rides. For a whole year of commuting, including a $85 summer semester, it totals to $415. This is just under a month’s salary if a student were making minimum wage in Minnesota, and for a commuter student who is already paying for rent and food that money is desperately needed. At the University of Minnesota, students are offered unlimited rides for $45 a semester, a total of $90 for the entire academic year. But the U of M is a much larger and public university, so it makes some sense why it would be cheaper for their students. However, our neighboring and fellow private liberal arts college of Macalester, guarantees free rides to all of their students as a part of their tuition. Similar size, similar tuition, yet they have free access to public transportation and we don’t.
So I ask this, why do Hamline students have to pay so much more for public transportation than other Universities? Geographically we stand at the crossroads of the Twin Cities. We are surrounded by flourishing arts and culture, resources and opportunities, without the access of affordable public transportation to get us there. Hamline University has the opportunity to give its students wider access to the Twin Cities through public transportation, if they made it more affordable for all students.
Jason Elyea-Wheeler
Hamline Midway Coalition Communications Specialist
Junior ’25
To Whom It May Concern,
As representatives of the Hamline Undergraduate Student Congress, we write to express our profound concern and condemnation of Israel’s campaign of ethnic cleansing against the Palestinian people. We stand in solidarity with those who are suffering as a result of this ongoing catastrophe and call for immediate action to address the humanitarian crisis unfolding in Gaza.
The indiscriminate violence and displacement of Palestinian families are violations of basic human rights and international law. It is incumbent upon us, as a council elected to represent the voices and needs of the students, to speak out against such injustices and advocate for peace and justice in the region.
We unequivocally call for an unconditional ceasefire and the withdrawal of Israeli troops from Gaza and all occupied land. The cycle of violence must end, and meaningful steps toward a just and lasting resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian issue must be taken. We urge our state and nation’s leaders to prioritize diplomacy and dialogue in seeking a peaceful resolution to this humanitarian emergency
Furthermore, we affirm our commitment to supporting Palestinian human rights by refusing to use any funds to purchase from organizations listed on the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) list. We believe that economic pressure can be a powerful tool in bringing about positive change and accountability.
We must stand on the right side of history and act in solidarity with those who are oppressed and marginalized. We call on our fellow students, faculty, and staff to join us in advocating for justice, equality, and peace for all people in the region.
Hamline Undergraduate Student Congress
Aida Audeh • Apr 11, 2024 at 10:37 am
I commend HUSC for having the courage to take a stand. HUSC members have learned the lessons of compassion, informed decision-making, global awareness, and community action Hamline promises to share with them. Now is the time for Hamline faculty and administration to practice what they preach.
Aida Audeh
Professor Emeritus of Art History
and Palestinian-American