Protesters block Green Line
Black Lives Matter St. Paul demonstrators demand justice for Marcus Abrams.
Protestors for the Black Lives Matter movement stand on the tracks of the Green Line to show their support for Marcus Abrams.
October 7, 2015
“When they beat Marcus, they let us know they weren’t inclusive,” said Rashad Turner, lead organizer for BlackLivesMatter St. Paul on Sunday as protesters began to march toward the Lexington Parkway stop on the Green Line.
Approximately 50 people marched to shut down the Green Line in support of Marcus Abrams, a 17 year old with autism who suffered a seizure after an encounter with Metro-Transit police on August 31.
“Police should be trained with how to deal with not just the autistic but the disabled period,” said Maria Caldwell, mother of Abrams.
Protestors shut down traffic on the Green Line for approximately three hours, marching onto the tracks a little after 9:30. The protest continued until right after the Vikings opening kick-off.