St. Paul gets its coffee from Kopplin
Kopplin’s Coffee is a choice local coffee shop in the Twin Cities, close to home.
Kopplin’s awning looks out on Marshall Avenue in St. Paul
September 21, 2016
Filled with local products, art and coffee, Kopplin’s resembles a European style coffee shop.
Started by a man with a dream, Kopplin’s was established in 2006 by Andrew Kopplin who wanted to create a coffee shop with a European feel in the Twin Cities. After hiring employees and finding his wife and business partner, the store made its way into the community as a small and cozy place.
As a shop with ties to Europe, Kopplin’s does not sell any decaf coffee and includes ristretto-style espresso shots. The menu is filled with a variety of traditional coffee beverages as well as snacks and pastries, including baguettes.
Kopplin’s is very focused on the surrounding community, using almost exclusively local farmers and producers for coffee and milk. It also supports the artistic community by allowing artists to showcase their work. Pottery and paintings fill the shop, giving customers something to look at.
“Quaint, comfortable, authentic” is how local customer Evan Britzius would describe the shop.
Britzius goes to coffee shops often, though he mainly frequents Minneapolis coffee shops.
“If I do come to St. Paul, this is the place [I go to],” Britzius said.
Britzius also noticed something different about the ambiance.
“I love coffee, especially good coffee and atmosphere,” he said. “[It is] a space where I can comfortably read and write.”
Something a little different about Kopplin’s is the absence of a tip jar for workers. In 2015, the menu prices were raised about a dollar each to what the owners deemed to be a good cause.
The store began paying workers what they thought was a “liveable” wage instead of minimum wage and having to rely on tips. Now, workers receive a base of $12.50 an hour.
“It’s not typical. [The] staff is unique; even a cup of black coffee is unique.” Britzius said.
In addition, Kopplin’s donates one percent of all cash sales to local charities, mainly the Keystone Community Services Food Shelf.
Kopplin’s is open Monday through Friday, 6 a.m. to 8 p.m. and Saturday and Sunday from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. The shop is located on Marshall Avenue near Merriam Park next to Izzy’s Ice Cream about two miles from Hamline’s campus. For more information and a full menu, visit their website at