Maaa for goats on campus!
Students were able to relieve some stress and enjoy the company of goats during goat yoga co hosted by Hamline Peer Educators and the Hamline University Programming Board (HUPB).
Aidan Stromdahl
Goats of many sizes and colors showed up to help the students destress and get in some good stretches.
October 8, 2021
On a beautiful, sunny Tuesday afternoon, instead of the noises of basketball games and friendly competition, the sound of goats could be heard on Mulkern Sport Court. Nearly 40 students got together to laugh, move their body and enjoy some goat yoga.
Junior Allysa Williamson is the Physical Health Lead for Hamline Peer Wellness. Hamline Peer Educators do much on campus ranging from sexual health to physical activity.
“Our mission is to empower students to make informed decisions about their own health,” Williamson said. “We also hold events like de-Stress Fest, where students can learn how to de-stress, Get Yourself Tested, where students can get STI testing for free, and more.”Williamson was the lead for the event, and a lot of planning went into it.
“Every year, Peer Wellness Education hosts Physical Activity Week to share tips about how to move your body, talk about body positivity, and more,” Williamson said. “After everything students have been through in the past year and a half, we wanted to make this first big event really special while still following safety protocols, which is why we decided on goat yoga!”
The event was certainly special as laughs and smiles could be seen throughout the entire event. Sophomore Ali Kimball loved the event, and she signed up to relieve some stress.
“I have a really busy schedule right now and I just wanted a peaceful break from the hectic day, and goat yoga seemed like the perfect opportunity for that,” Kimball said.
The event was a stress reliever for many who attended.
“I signed up last minute, and I just thought it would be a fun, silly time,” junior Amanda Kanninen said.
Kanninen and sophomore Katie Mikesell both enjoyed the relaxing break that goat yoga provided.

Goats stood on students’ backs during the yoga event.
“Goats are awesome and I love yoga,” Mikesell said. “It made me giggle and it was a good time.”
When asked the highlights of the experience, all agreed that it was, of course, the goats that made it so enjoyable.
“My highlight was having a goat on my back and making a train for the goats to go in between our legs,” Kanninen said.
There will be many more events from Hamline Peer Educators, such as their event Sex in the Dark that is happening on Wednesday, October 6. 7 – 9 p.m. in Anderson 111. Proof of vaccination is required to attend this event.
To find out about more events that Hamline Peer Wellness Educators are providing, check out their instagram page @hamlinepeereducators.

Moves like mountain, bridge and plank gave opportunities for the goats to jump on the participants.