Change starts with cheeseburgers: HUSC delivers
Volunteer student congress members introduce Piper Grill delivery service.
Hamline Undergraduate Student Congress (HUSC) has begun a volunteer delivery service for the Piper Grill. The first deliveries were made Thursday, March 6 to some hungry Hamline students across campus.
The delivery service allows students on campus to order items off the grill menu and wait for it in their dorm rooms. Students have responded positively to the new service. First-year Jessica Denn said “It’s very convenient.”
Although the comments were positive, there was some concern among students on the use of it. “I think it’s a pretty cool thing actually, but I think it’s going to get abused,” first-year Madelin Schense said.
HUSC Chair Jeremiah Osokpo said that the service was suggested to make sure that HUSC and Dining Services work together and make it more convenient for students to get food from the Grill. Students can call for deliveries between the hours of 8-11 p.m. on Mondays, Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays.
“It’s not every day because it is volunteer and there is limited time,” Osokpo said. The deliveries are made by HUSC members who likely have homework and other priorities throughout the week. Because this service is new to Hamline, HUSC is making it a temporary endeavor. Osokpo said, “We’re doing this based up until the end of the school year to gather data to see if it’s being used.”
To place an order, students need only call the Piper Grill at 651-523-3285. The cashier will ask for the student’s name, ID number, phone number and the location of the student for the delivery. Once the order is placed all the student must do is wait for a phone call from the delivery person informing them that he or she has arrived with the food. Before taking the food the student must show his or her Hamline ID and then sign the receipt for record-keeping purposes. However, there are a couple of rules for the use of this service. A customer’s order must reach a minimum total of five dollars and only declining balance can be used when paying for the delivery.
Overall, Osokpo believes that the delivery service will be very helpful and convenient for Hamline students. “[We] encourage every student to use it,” he said because it is convenient and a neat way to save time.