Staying healthy during flu season

10 tips to keep influenza at bay.

Melody Yabandith, Reporter

There’s one season that no one can avoid—flu season! Influenza is contagious and spreads rather quickly and often silently; many victims do not display symptoms until days after contact with the virus. This makes illness especially common in populated places such as major cities or even college campuses.

However, this doesn’t mean that everyone is bound to become ill over flu season. It takes a strong immune system and good hygienic practices to really outsmart this virus. Here are ten steps to prevent illness this season:

1.) Get a flu shot! Flu shots are usually complimentary with any medical insurance plan, but can cost around $35 without insurance coverage.

2.) Avoid contact with sick persons.

3.) Clean public keyboards at the library. Library keyboards carry a lot of germs, and a quick wipe down can make all the difference.

4.) Don’t forget to wear gloves, but more importantly don’t forget to clean your gloves regularly.

5.) Avoid touching your eyes, mouth or nose after touching surfaces that haven’t been properly sanitized.

6.) Avoid bad habits that could weaken your immune system, such as smoking, drinking, or indulging in “junk foods.”

7.) Exercise to give your immune system a boost.

8.) Sleep is always essential to a fully functioning body.

9.) Drink water to keep your body hydrated and able to clean out toxins with more ease.

10.) If you are feeling sick, visit a doctor and avoid workplaces or school campuses.

Please be safe this flu season, Pipers!