Work, school and the inevitable pandemic

Students speak out about how there is no easy way to work and live through a pandemic.

Senior Danielle Franke and sophomore Emily Waiser-Kuntz working their shifts at the Bush Memorial Library Central Service Desk.

SJ Welch, Reporter

The front desk in the Anderson Center

The balance between work and school is a reality for many students at Hamline. However, this year has added the weight of a worldwide pandemic on top of already hectic schedules. When tuition piles up and rent is still due, even a pandemic cannot stop students from needing to work.

Sophomore Erin Connelly, who is working three jobs, described work to be less stressful despite the many challenges of this year. With the pandemic shifting work and school online, she found that she is “not on the go all of the time.” When Hamline stated they were resuming hybrid classes this fall, she decided to jump all in. This led her to becoming busier than previous years.

For other students working on campus, like Abby Doty, who is currently in her senior year and working in Student Accounts, this year has not changed much. Although, the strangest part for her is “seeing everyone in masks in the office.” In her case, the biggest downside was losing hours as the student center had “to cut down all of my work.”

However, for some students this was not a small change. 

“The pandemic completely altered everything in my life,” said Eva Silberman, a junior studying political science. “Anything that takes my time, energy and purpose is work.”

She is currently employed by five different organizations. This is on top of taking 18 credits of classes on campus. 

“When it comes to work and class, it’s going to be stressful, but I think the payoff is totally worth it,” Silberman said. “There is no easy way to live through a historical moment in time.”

Nonetheless, she has taken the pandemic with a perspective of honesty. 

“This sh— has been hard,” Silberman said.

Additionally, these challenges go beyond learning to study in this new world. Students must also learn how to enter the workforce in this new paradigm.