How to have a healthy Halloween
Due to COVID-19, Halloween this year has changed drastically, but Hamline students are taking back the holiday and celebrating it in their own, safe way
October 28, 2020
Halloween has always been one of the most popular holidays; celebrated with dressing up, trick-or-treating and all types of spooky events throughout the month of October. Unfortunately, COVID-19 has greatly altered how this day is to be celebrated. Despite this, Hamline students are finding ways to have fun while doing their best to be safe during these uncertain times.
For junior Crystal Camacho, Halloween has always been her favorite holiday. With her birthday within the same month she has always felt a connection toward this mystifying celebration. When she was younger it was all about trick-or-treating but as she got older, it became more and more about hanging out with friends in the Chicagoland area, where she is originally from. This year’s Halloween is looking quite different.
Camacho and her friends have decided to stay safe within her apartment, but that has not dampened the mood as they plan a night of drinks and horror movies. Camacho expressed her worry about how the campus will look after Halloween. People will want to go out and have fun and could potentially not be safe while doing so, which could bring the virus back to campus.
“They really need to question what it’s worth,” Camacho said. “Like, even if you get sick and you end up fine, how’s it gonna feel for you if someone gets sick because of you and they don’t do so fine?”

Carving pumpkins is a great way to have fun and stay safe this Halloween.
The feeling of concern is also shared by senior Benjamine Soto who believes that people should not be gathering on this night, but admits that perhaps leaving a bowl out for children may be much safer if children decide to go trick or treating. Soto comes from a Christian household and has gone out for Halloween at least twice. The last time was at the beginning of high school where she enjoyed dressing up and getting out of the house. Since then, she has enjoyed her Halloween nights at home watching some Halloween movies that allow her to reminisce about her childhood. Soto sees this as a night where people can still have fun but be safe about it. She believes that even if they do not go out, they can still find a way to enjoy Halloween from home.
“Have fun, but from a distance,” Soto said.
First-year Samantha Huberty finds this year’s Halloween to feel very unusual as she admits that if COVID-19 were not a thing, she would celebrate this eerie night at a party. Now, she has not really thought about Halloween and believes she may just stay in her dorm or see some family. In past years, she has celebrated by trick-or-treating and going out with friends but does not feel that meeting up with large groups of people is a smart choice during this time. Even though it is Halloween and people will want to go out, Huberty does not see any positive side to this as it just appears to be full of risks for not only the students who go out but anyone they may come into contact with. She feels that people can still have fun without putting their health and others health in jeopardy.
“Have fun, be safe and wear masks because I don’t wanna be sent home from college,” Huberty said.

Not into carving? Painting is always another great option.