Speakout: What do you think about mixing online and in-person classes as a solution in the pandemic?
October 21, 2020

Mariam Ayman – Senior
Mariam: Mixing both is perfect. Before the pandemic, I didn’t have time to study and I couldn’t understand anything from some professors. I had to go just for attendance but now I have more time and be able to interact with my professors virtually most of the time.

Benjamine Soto – Senior
Benjamine: It has definitely presented many benefits and challenges. It has been nice to only commute a couple times a week to campus. However, I really miss spending time with others in a class setting, which is an experience that online classes unfortunately lack. Additionally, I feel, it has been a better option than fully online classes, there is still room for import entries in this approach to make it a more engaging and foundational experience.

Ruben Dominguez – Sophomore
Ruben: I think that it’s a good idea on paper but I feel this sense of fear that an outbreak could occur more easily. I understand the need for interaction with one another but at what cost? At the end of the day, I just wish choices were made with the priority being the well-being of everyone above all else.